Today was a down day for me..gile punye down.since last thursday waiting my turn for OJA which is to precisely known as On Job Assesment. Suddenly bile dah sampai turn, whole badan shaking.Otak jadi blur gile..Ini very critical situation for me lah to get the job.Takdelah masyuk mane pon kerja ni..But i've studied for 2 months ok nak hit floor.
The situation was i've got to answer 5 calls..But in 5 kol tuh boleh plak ter "fatal" satu.Shit babe.The rules was satu fatal sumer fatal.perasaan kecewa tuh sampai aku duduk bawah meja PC then nangis x berlagu.It's not that there's no second chance.But cam x worth it if i have to take for the second seating..Series buang mase.
Tapi sok,aku akan jumpe gak QA(upper level) yang test aku tuh..Aku nak die pas kan gak aku...1 out of 5 kot...takan pasal 1 kol tuh aku nak gelabah lagi..aduh!
Make,esok akan jadi penentu happiness aku..Azza,aku sokong kau.
Selamat malam.
You and Me?
1 week ago