Hatiku berbunga-bunga dikala kau melafazkan kata cinta..Fuck dude.ayat nak kace.ini bukan tajuk utama.
well.actually i'm updating this blog just to remind myself of who i was and what was i.this moment i realize that i didn't believe in relationship and i didnt believe in saying "love" words.(poyo speaking).~continuing!!~im questioning myself.over and over again.i was once a girl who really need someone who love me.someone who cares about me.but wtf,now for me all the "karutan cinta" is something that i dont want to know.what i want to know is whether you can accept me as who i am.i can be friend with anybody and whoever who wants to know me(depends).
i'm a liar if i said i'm not berbunga-bunga if a guy telling me that he likes me.i will smile all the way back home okay.(i have feelings too).but its not that i like the guy too.i dont have feelings for him but i just like to be like by somebody..is it because aku gatal or because that standard lah perempuan kalau dah kena ayat.but if i mmg gatal then why i didnt accept them??i'm afraid people saying that 'azza ni bajet hot doeh"...which, I'M NOT.
I'm not confused,i'm not gay and i'm not confused again.They say maybe because of my past experience(yeah my parents divorce dah)..but i dont think so.Because what im thinking is I dont even trust myself then how do i trust people.How do i trust myself??
Am i a PLAYER??im not sure.and actually i dont even know what say dah.i'm trying to know myself then maybe i can find who is AZZA really are.people do judge me.ade yang kate azza ni happy go lucky.Betol ke?nampak jer kot.but actually i'm hiding myself.i tried to be somebody that can be accepted by everybody and i dont care.i can be anybody and i can be in different personalities.so dont be cheated by me..
Teehee...azza speaking here.
You and Me?
1 week ago