I'm ready to change and i'm doing it slowly. I know this is my punishment for being too cold hearted before. I know it was my fault. It's talking back to me without mercy. And I will walk alone till the very end which no one would understand. If there's only one person who would take my hand and show me the way. Do I feel lonely? Do I really need a man? Or do I really need it. I should have known this time would come. But I never think about it before. I was too young to understand and was too ego to learn...Am I too desperate? I don't think I am. I want my life to be so peaceful like listening to music, live my life like a TV commercial...You wouldn't understand cause you are not me,and i am not you....this is true.
You and Me?
1 week ago
Feb 11, 2011, 5:00:00 PM
untuk brubah.. prlukn mase dan skongn dr kwan2 mahupn fmly.. xsalh klaw nk brubah.. tu lah yg terbaek! :) hanye dri sndri yg memahami diri sendri.. :)
Feb 11, 2011, 5:02:00 PM
untuk berubah.. prlukn mase serta skongn dari kawn2 mahupun fmly sndri.. brubah tuk jadi yg trbaek adelh lebih baek! :)
and, hanye dri sndri yg boleh memahami dri anda sndri.. bukn org laen.. even die da lme kenal anda. :)
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